Diamond Art Flowers Painting Charts & Idea Book

Diamond Art Flowers Painting Charts & Idea Book

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Diamond Art Holiday Painting Charts & Idea Book

Diamond Art Landscapes Painting Charts & Idea Book

Diamond Art By Leisure Arts Freestyle Diamond Dotting Landscapes Painting Charts & Idea Book- Capture the beauty of the great outdoors. Majestic mountains, tropical sunsets, peaceful lake moments, autumnal beauty: these are a few of the ten landscapes awaiting your touch and those 13-faceted Diamond Dotz Freestyle gems. Learn freestyle painting and how easy it is to transfer your diamond art to almost any surface: tote bags, glass blocks, and storage tins. Simple instructions for using sandwich and liquid adhesives, different fabrics, and tracing techniques. These gorgeous landscapes will transport you to some of the most beautiful places imaginable. 32 pages, soft cover.
Special Price $8.51 was $11.99
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